Alongside testing, condoms can protect you from other STIs, until all partners have received their results. PrEP is another very effective method of protecting you against HIV, though it does not protect against other STIs.
Getting an HIV test
- Sexual Health London – An easy, free, and discreet home sampling service.
The easiest way to get tested for HIV (and other STIs) is by ordering a home sampling kit through Sexual Health London.
Simply register at and complete an online consultation to order your free kit.
Once the kit has arrived, you collect the required samples yourself (there are online guidance tools to assist you). When completed, you send the samples to the lab for testing and you will then be notified of the result a few days later by text or email.
The service is available to everyone aged 16 and over who are residents in most London boroughs. If you live in Croydon, Greenwich or Hillingdon use these alternatives.
Register now at
- Sexual Health Clinics
If you want to test for HIV, it is recommended you consider ordering a home testing kit from Sexual Health London in the first instance. If you want to see someone in person you should visit your nearest clinic. You should consider calling ahead and booking an appointment where possible.
Click here to find your local clinic and their contact details.
Sexual health clinics have reduced access – always telephone before attending in person
- Other options for HIV testing include private self-testing kits which give you the result within minutes:
Links provided are to trusted and partner-assured sites providing self-test kits.